Draw Me A Tree

Draw Me A Tree

I have been exploring the human connection to nature by asking people to “Draw Me a Tree.” Not just any tree, but one that has had some important place in their lives. In collaboration, we visit these special trees together and document them through a unique photographic experience and process. 
Can you remember when you had a stubby crayon in your hand and happily scrawled out your house, the cat, a blue sky with the sun up in the corner, and a tree in the yard? One of the few artistic endeavors that we all have in common is drawing a tree and with this ongoing project I will explore our connection to nature by asking people to “Draw Me a Tree.”  But not just any tree, I ask people to partner with me and illustrate the trees that have had some impact in their lives. You know the one; that tree you first climbed and got stuck in as a kid, the one that you see every morning as you drink your coffee, the one you whose leaves always fill your gutters, or even the one that is the favorite sought out by your dog on evening walks. Trees stand as an icon of the natural world that we often take for granted, especially in urban environments. “Draw Me a Tree” will help show how intrinsically connected to nature we are through a series of visual tree stories that can be found everywhere in our yards, parks, gardens, forests, and streets.
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